Jason Wittman - Memorium Page  

 !  In Memorium

In the Loving Memory of My Mother, Rose Wittman

24 December 1911 - 18 November 2004

She was one of my greatest models

and the model by which I live my life.




In the Loving Memory of My Wonderful Father

Lawrence Wittman

He taught me lots as a kid. He was always interested and supportive of me. He would have really loved the way I turned out. He died way too young.

When I was growing up, during and just after WWII, all my friends' dads were in or had been in the military. I always felt like bad that my father had not gone to war. I volunteered to go to Viet Nam. I now think I was trying to rectify the family honor. It's a good thing that I didn't get maimed or killed for such a silly reason. Especially since, I found the following citation in his personal file, after he died. My father worked for Republic Aviation and made the P-47 Thunderbolt planes that saved many other fathers' asses in the War. He also was one of the inventors of fiberglass reinforced plastics which greatly increased their ability to manufactur plans faster and made possible all the wonderful things that are made from fiberglass, today.




In the Loving Memory of My Dear Friend, Mentor

and Surrogate Mother, R. Sparkle Stillman

14 April 1915 - 8 October 2005

The world has lost a wonderful, generous, all loving and very funny lady and a great actress. The loss to me is beyond description.

Your Gone and There Are No Tomorrows

Your gone and there are no tomorrows
No more tomorrows, when we will go on auditions
No more tomorrows, when we will go to acting workshops together,
No more tomorrows, when I can tell you about my latest audition, photo shoot or boy friend
No more tomorrows, of getting your support
No more tomorrows, when you can tell me stories of your long past
No more tomorrows, for talking endlessly into the late, late night.

Alas, our tomorrows together are over
Joyously, your tomorrows of pain, suffering, lack of breathe and loneliness are over
You have the relief you long prayed for
I have an empty void where all our tomorrows of yesterdays once resided

I will miss you forever and I will do life doubly well for you, too
And with every acting win I get, I will declare,
“Sparkle, Dear, This one's for you!"


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©2005, J.Jason Wittman